Saturday, November 21, 2015

Chopsticks, Spatch'

I have plenty of wooden spoons, which is great, but I got tired of eating noodles and potatoes with my fingers. I thought some long skinny wooden finger substitutes would make eating more pleasant.

Here is the jig I made to help produce tapered hexagonal chopsticks. Not pictured is the hand plane. I start with split/riven sticks, cut to a square profile on the bandsaw. By using the three angled slots, I can work the squares down into hexagons.

Above, finished fir chopsticks.

Above are two things I whipped out on the lathe, a leather burnisher and handles for the shoe stitching wire. The wire breaks every 20 stitches or so due to cold work, so it's just loosely attached to the handles by twisting. The shape of the handles is to avoid tangling as much as possible.

Carved wooden spatula thing. The edge was flat before the wood dried, but now it's flat enough.

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